“Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations” - Vulcan Philosophy
There’s been a lot of talk in the news about DEI programs lately, and we wanted to let you know that Cleveland ConCoction is a DEI-heavy organization. We have Dragons, Elves, and Ichthyocentaurs; Death-Rays, Empaths, and Ion-Drives; and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well. As a fan-run Sci-FI/Fantasy con, we love to explore a whole multiverse of possibilities, and we want to make sure all of our ConContioneers are staying safe while doing so.
As such, we want to be crystal clear that we stand against discrimination in all its many forms, including racism, sexism, normalism (body shaming) and other variations on fear and hate. We are dedicated to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all of our fellow nerd culture; regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or expression. Together we hope to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community that celebrates our similarities and differences in a positive manner. Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories often show us worlds where we have overcome hate to build a better world, and they also show us worlds where hate and discrimination win out. It doesn’t go so well for those dystopian folks. At ConCoction, we choose to follow the path of positivity going forward. (We are also a certified 501(c)3 non-profit organization at both the State and Federal levels, so it’s literally illegal for us to discriminate.)
So come on out and join our human-horse-fish hybrids and all the other mix and match Sci-Fi/Fantasy ConCoctions at our Con. This year we’re mashing up the 40th anniversary of both “Back to the Future” and “Super Mario Brothers” as we “Race Back to the Castle!” to save our beloved .. well.. Whatever really. Great Scott! See you in March!
Your Fandom Escape by the Lake