Every year 2 positions are voted on for those that would comprise the governing body of the organization.
Those interested do not need to currently hold a leadership position within the Organization, meaning that in a Convention Year you do not need to be a Department Lead or Second in order to submit yourself for consideration. Preference may be given to those with past experience working as a volunteer and/or member with ConCoction in good standing, or another related Convention group or Volunteer Association.
What is helpful is to have a general working knowledge in areas such as: effective communication, business skills, operational management, non-profits, volunteer organization.
Meetings are held quarterly (Hybrid), and communication is through direct email and Discord.
If you have interest in one of these open positions, send your email of interest with your contact information and the skills you'd like to share to: [email protected]
Letters of interest accepted until April 15th, 2023
Voting will conclude by May 15th, 2023
Newly elected Board members will begin by attending the 2Q 2023 Board Meeting in May/June 2023
Board Member Qualifications
- Able to attend quarterly (In person/Zoom) meetings at minimum (4 meetings a year, once a quarter)
- Have knowledge and/or skills in one or more of the following areas:
- effective communication
- business operation skills
- operational management
- non-profits
- volunteer organizations
- effective communication
- Prior experience working with and in good standing with: Cleveland ConCoction, another Volunteer run Convention, Volunteer run organization such as the SCA, or similar is preferred, but not a requirement
- Interest in helping grow volunteer run organizations in your local or regional community
Send your email / letter of interest with your contact information and the skills you'd like to share to: [email protected]
Letters of interest accepted until April 15th, 2023
Voting will beging on May 7th, 2023
Voting will conclude by May 15th, 2023
Newly elected Board members will begin by attending the 2Q 2023 Board Meeting in May/June 2023